
Sunday 26 January 2014

Natural Phenomenon

Sun and Light Pillars

Light pillars are vertical pillars of light above and sometimes below the sun (or moon, Venus, or artificial lights) caused by many many reflections off the large flat face of horizontally falling plate ice crystals. The effect is very similar to glitter paths on water were many slightly tilted horizontal surface caused by ripples on water reflect a light source (usually the sun) and spread it out vertically.

Natural Light Sources

The most common light pillar is a pillar of light extending above a very low sun at sunset or sunrise. The maximum extent of the pillar is about twice the maximum perturbation of the ice crystals away from horizontal. The light is reflect off the lower surface of the plate crystal, or internally to the crystal from the inside upper surface. Because the low sun is often red or orange the resulting pillar will have the same colour.

Sun pillar at sunset

Like many things in life, sun pillars aren't always as simple as they may seem. Sun pillars can be seen with higher sun altitudes than one would expect from simple horizontally oriented plate crystals. In this case it has been determined that the pillar is caused by highly oriented column crystals. In some cases the only way to determine the type and orientation of crystals is to compare the shape of a pillar to a computer model.

The maximum extent of the pillar is about twice the maximum tilt of the plate crystals.

Artificial Light Sources

As well as natural light sources such as the sun and moon, light pillars are often seen above artificial light sources such as street lights. A significant difference with these light pillars is that the light source is relatively near and not collimated (rays are parallel) as the light from the sun and other very distant objects is. This means that horizontally falling crystals, with very little perturbation from the atmosphere, which are half way between the observer and the light source will reflect light to the observer. The height of the pillar can be limited just by the vertical extent of the ice crystals (rather than the maximum tilt of the crystal). Also with the crystals being very evenly oriented in the horizontal plane, with little sideways extent of the pillar due to tilted crystals, a light pillar above an artificial light source can be very narrow and extend very high, sometimes almost to the apex.

Light pillar above an artificial light

In very calm conditions an artificial light source can cause a very narrow and high light pillar from plate crystals with very little tilt.


Examples on Gerunds and Invinitives

Gerunds :

1. This country government doesn't permit fishing without a fishing license.
2. He appreciated our helping him prepare for the Halloween party.
3. Going skydiving tomorrow will test how brave you are.
4. You've been doing your homeworks non-stop for over 8 hours!
5. Our arriving late would be an insult to our dinner hosts.
6. Daniel was excited about meeting the world famous soccer player.
7. The government ceased providing free health care.
8. She tried eating the snake soup, but she didn't like it.
9. Wira talked me into participating in the 24-hour dance marathon.
10. He encourages eating healthy foods.

To Infinitives:

1. The certification program requires him to take several test.
2. I told the others to meet me at The swimming pool after school.
3. How did you manage to get tickets for that concert? It has been sold out for months.
4. They were careful not to reveal the winner of the prize until the end.
5. The student was content to receive second place in the competition.
6. The mountain climber is liable to hurt himself if he doesn't use well-made equipment.
7. She was surprised to discover that he had never learned how to swim.
8. The witness was reluctant to reveal what he had seen.
9. The government ceased to provide free health care.
10. The attackers kept hostages to prevent the police from entering.

Friday 17 January 2014


At the end of December 2013 my beloved school, SMA Negeri 3 Bandung, let almost all the students to have the end of semester holiday. I was very excited when the school holiday started because I had planed a trip to visit my uncle in Singapore.

This was the third time for me to go to Singapore. To be honest, I was actually pretty bored to go there because there weren’t a lot place to visit in since Singapore was just a small country. Therefore, I went there to see the Christmas Celebration and also the New Year Celebration in Singapore, since I couldn’t have found such things in Indonesia. I went there with my mom, sister, cousin, my grandpa, and my grandma.

We went to Singapore at the 22nd December 2013 by plane from Jakarta. It was a night flight and I like to fly at night because I taught that I could sleep inside the plane. Sadly, it wasn’t a pleasant flight because the plane had to wait around 1 ½ hour at the taxiway to get the clearance for departure from the air traffic control. To make matter worst, there were some babies inside the plane that kept on screaming and crying from Soekarno Hatta Int. Airport (Jakarta, Indonesia) until Changi Int. Airport (Singapore).

Singapore from the skies

Happily, after sitting for about 3 hours inside the plane, the plane touched down in Changi Airport, Singapore. My uncle and my aunt had waited for our arrival for a long time. That night, we were very exhausted so we just immediately went to my uncle’s apartment and slept.


At Singapore I went shopping in some malls with my family while looking at the nice Christmas decorations. To be honest, I didn’t like to shop but since there was a big discounts around the malls in Singapore, I started to shop. Not only the sales that make me happy to go on holiday in Singapore but, I also really liked the decorations because there were unique and beautiful. This was one picture of my family in front of the Christmas tree at Orchard Road.

My Family and I

My family and I didn’t just shop, we also go to some interesting place that some foreigners might not be interested. My family and I went to Mc Ritchie Reservoir. It was a long hiking track (12 km) at the jungle. The most interesting thing at the Mc Ritchie Reservoir was the tree top adventure and the 25 meters tall bridge that we could walk at. After we had hiked, we were really exhausted.

Chinese Garden was also one of the interesting place to visit too. Inside the garden there were a lot of statue of the Chinese soldiers, fishes, and pagodas. The environment inside the garden was good. I stood at the top floor of the pagoda to see the scenery around the garden and also Singapore from above. The view was good.

The other place my family went to was Garden by The Bay at Marina Bay. It was an imitation of a garden with sounds of birds and other kinds of creatures. To be honest, I wasn’t really interested with this tourist attraction because I could go to a real garden with real birds sound in Indonesia. The hot air inside this garden also made me felt uncomfortable to stay at the garden for a long time.

My mom and my sister at Garden By The Bay

Just 2 days after Christmas, my family and I went to Johor Bahru, Malaysia. We went there by car and it was a 2 hours journey from my uncle’s apartment. The first place we visit was actually my favorite, it was the durian buffet. There, we could eat as much durian as we wanted and we just needed to pay 30 ringgit per person. Pretty cheap wasn’t it? After we had eaten durian, we went shopping at a mall in Johor Bahru. We spent a long time in Malaysia but we didn’t sleep over there.

The last place that I visited was The Sentosa Island. This amazing island was the most interesting place to visit in my opinion, because there were a lot of attractions and also a lot of games to play. There was a beautiful beach with an awesome scenery around the island.


Since, I was in Singapore at Christmas my Family and I went to a church near my uncle’s apartment to celebrate Christmas. The name of the church was Hebron and what a wonderful Christmas service it was, I really liked the songs and there were a lot of interesting things I got there. After the Christmas service there was a brunch for all of the people, the food was delicious and diverse. I got my tummy really full.

My Cousin and I in Marina Bay

Another great moment was the New Year 2014 Singapore Countdown. My cousin and I went to Marina Bay to do a countdown with other Singaporean people. It was really hectic and crazy. But for me and my cousin it was a great moment because we could scream as loud as we could like any other people did. As a result, we arrived home at 3 o’clock in the morning.

My family and I finally went home at 5th January 2014 by plane to Bandung. Well, the journey was much better though.

My Cousin and I done a selfie while waiting my mom shopping

Thursday 16 January 2014


Everyone might ask what should a good leader looks like. But there aren’t any absolute criteria about a good leader should be. Therefore, I would like to tell you how to be a good leader in my opinion. I will also give you some suggestion if one day you are picked as a team leader. But it’s your choice whether you want to take my suggestion or not. :D

For me a good leader should bring his/her members to think and focus on the goals of the team. But just doing some thinking and focusing without any good movement about the goals will just be useless. Well, in this condition a leader is tested whether he/she is able to lead his/her members or not, whether a leader could reach the goals or not.

First of all, a good leader has to be close to his member because a good relation will make a better communication within the members which also lead to a great success. When a good leader is discussing about the organization goals, he has to listen to all perception or opinion that his member say. Objecting other member opinion will not be good because by objecting other member opinion, it’s almost the same as saying “I don’t need your opinion!”

Sometimes we might think that other people opinions or perception isn’t making any sense or seems to be just bluffing. But hold on a second, that unusual opinions might be a new idea that isn’t being taught by other people. A good idea sometimes comes out from a crazy opinion. Therefore, I would give you a suggestion if one day you are picked as a leader: “Never ever object other people opinions! Sometimes, the most unusual opinions might come with the best idea.”

The other thing that a good leader has to have is serenity. One day in reaching the team goals, your team will meet some problems. If the problem is big enough, it would make your team members feel afraid and scared. As we know, when somebody feel stressed he/she wouldn’t think clearly and might make things worst. In this case, a leader should be calm when all his/her members are stressed because of a problem. If a leader isn’t calm in facing problems, it will definitely make all other team member not calm too. I believe that team members won’t be calm seeing their leader stressed out. This “stress domino effect” might make a bad conflict inside the community and will also make a bigger problem.

Therefore, I will give you another suggestion: “Just be calm although you’re facing a big problem or at least make yourself look calm so the other team members could feel calm too!” If all of your team members are calm, you and your team might make a good decision about the problems. Because we know that, by being calm you and your team could think clearly or wisely.

The last thing that a good leader has to have is the willing to sacrifice. This might be easy to be said, but to be honest this one is the hardest one to be done by all the leaders. Sometimes a leader taught that he/she has to be the one who gets the best in every condition by letting other team members to suffer with the bad ones. I disagree with this kind of leader, in my opinion a good leader will try to know what his/her team member feel and try to make them feel comfortable to work with by sharing the good things together with his/her team members.

That’s all my opinions about what a good leader should look like. As you have read my opinions, I hope you now know how important the role of a leader in a team. So don’t take it easy when you are asked to be a team leader. Well, there might be other criteria that I forgot to write, so I would like to know your opinions about a good leader too! :D

Sunday 12 January 2014

If conditional type 1,2,3 examples :D

I will be very happy if my school gamtek holiday task is finished
I'd be very happy if my gamtek holiday task was finished
I'd have been very happy if my gamtek holiday task had been finished

If i can study abroad, i will go to America
If i could study abroad, i would go to America
If i could have studied abroad, i would have gone to America

I will stop studying if i feel really tired
I would stop studying if i felt really tired
I'd have stopped studying if i had felt really tired

If i get a million dollar, i will give some money as a charity
If i got a million dollar, i would gave some money as a charity
If i had got a million dollar, i would have given some money as a charity

I will study english everyday if my english grades are bad
I would study english everyday if my english grades were bad
I would have studied english everyday if my english grades had been bad

If i win a science olympiad competition, my mom will be very happy
If i won a science olympiad competition, my mom would be very happy
If i had won a science olympiad competition, my mom would have been very happy

I will be very happy if i am accepted to study in ITB
I would be very happy if i was accepted to study in ITB
I would have been very happy if i had been accepted to study in ITB

If i get married, i will buy a new house to stay at
If i got married, i would buy a new house to stay at
If i had got married, i would have bought a new house to stay at

I will do a work out, if i want to have a better body shape
I would do a work out, if i wanted to have a better body shape
I would have done a work out, if i had wanted to have a better body shape

If someone give me a present, i will be very thankful
If someone gave me a present, i would be very thankful
If someone had given me a present, i would have been very thankful

I will smile to every single people whom meets me if i am having a good mood
I would smile to every single people whom met me if i was having a good mood
I would have smiled to every single people whom had met me if i had been having a good mood