
Monday 18 November 2013

What Will I Do with One Million Dollar?

          Well, this is one of my imagination somehow. One million dollar is a lot of money in Indonesia because if you convert it to Indonesia Rupiah, you’ll get 10 Billion Rupiah. In this part of my blog, I want to tell you about my opinions if I or maybe you get 1 million dollar one day.

            Basically, human have a goal in every single things that he/she does, and as we know that almost everyone’s goal is happiness. So, if someone gets 1 million dollar he/she might try to make himself/herself feel happy. For me, happiness will exist if I see other people smile or feel happy because of something that I've done. Therefore, I might use a little part of my million dollar money to make other people happy such as giving it as a charity particularly to poor people.

            Making people happy might not solve the happiness problem in my live. I want to have a “much longer happiness”, so I think investing some of my million dollar money might be a good idea. With a big expectancy my money will increase as long as my entrepreneurship is good. With much bigger money I will be happy until the rest of my life. :D

            Another thing that might do to fulfill my happiness is travelling around the World. I really like travelling, especially going to other places which are interesting in its nature. I also might try all the food in every cities and countries because I really like to eat. Oh yeah, I will bring my family too with me though, because I feel much “happier” if I travel with my lovely family.

            There are much more things that I might do with my one million dollar delusion. There is something that I will tell you about money.

With money,you can buy a house,but not a home.
With money,you can buy a clock,but not time.
With money,you can buy a bed,but not sleep.
With money ,you can buy a book,but not knowledge.
With money,you can buy a position, but not respect.
With money ,you can buy blood,but not life.
With money,you buy sex,but not love.

Money CAN’T buy HAPPINESS. Money can only buy things that could channel you to happiness. Happiness depends on you. Perhaps, my conclusion is that:



My Life Quote

Monday 11 November 2013

Indonesia’s Export in Natural Resources


Indonesia is a country with tons of natural resources because of its geography place on earth. There are two types of natural resource, renewable and non-renewable. Renewable natural resource can be easily renewed within months or years such as fruits, vegetables, and many more. People renewed this type of resource by planting and harvesting. Unlike the renewable natural resource, the non-renewable natural resource will need millions of years to refurbished, and human cannot make them because it’s being made inside earth where people can’t take part.
Gas Exporting
Both renewable and non-renewable natural resource exist in Indonesia with large amount. Indonesia export these resource to other country in the world. Actually, Indonesia gets a lot of money by exporting their natural resource that the world like most. In this article, I will talk about the raw natural resources (non-renewable natural resource) in Indonesia that are being exported in huge numbers.

Indonesia raw natural resources are being sold to other countries in the world, especially to the countries with little amount of raw natural resources. The most of the countries that gets raw natural resources from Indonesia are the developed countries such as USA, Japan, Singapore, and many more. The natural resources are in example gases and oils. Indonesian community always dislike to see the government selling oils or gases to other country, but in other hand the 250 million population need money for the government program that helps them stay alive.

       Indonesia government has lots of program for peoples in the country, such as “Kartu Jakarta Sehat”, BLSM, and much more. The Indonesia government need more money in order to continue such programs. Therefore, Indonesia keep selling their natural resources so they get money from developed countries.

          People say that Indonesia raw natural resources are decreasing rapidly and having a risk of being endangered because Indonesia keep on selling them. But, what can Indonesia do so that the government still get money? Some people only give critics by doing demonstration but not giving ideas on how the government should act. What do you think Indonesia government should do with their natural resource? Should we (Indonesia) stop exporting them or should we increase the amount of it? I will give my opinion on that!
            So, Indonesia is a developing country with 250 million population. Indonesia is struggling to welfare all the country population, until now 30% of the Indonesia population are living under the poverty line. Selling natural exports to other countries will make Indonesia richer but making their natural resource endangered. It’s hard for me as an Indonesian to accept that but seeing people living under the poverty line makes me just allow it happened. Actually, not all the money are given to poor people, some also being invested to build infrastructure in my city.

        One day, I believe Indonesia must stop grabing raw natural resource before all of the resource are finished. One way that I think might be the breakthrough is by converting motor vehicle into electric vehicle so we (Indonesian) don’t depend on raw natural resources. Some people complain with the uncomfortable charging time of electric vehicle, it’s because the time needed to charge the vehicle is much longer than it is being used. Maybe this uncomfortable thing might need time to get used to, but I believe, one day scientist will find a better way to charge electronic vehicle so it won’t need a lot of time in charging it.
Kartu Jakarta Sehat
Free medical for poor people living in Jakrta